For your free consultation, please try to bring at least one pay stub and copies of the bills that you are having difficulty with.
If you decide to file bankruptcy, you will need to provide the following:
Six (6) months proof of income from all sources
Last two (2) years of filed income tax returns (State/Federal)
Six (6) months bank statements for all accounts
Credit Counseling Certificate from approved agency. (Bankruptcy cannot be filed unless certification is obtained: we will show you how to obtain this)
Mortgage or car loans pay-offs for any real property or cars owned. (Mortgage or car statement with balance are acceptable.)
Market Analysis or appraisal if you own real property. (Our office will assist in obtaining this information if you do not already have it available.)
Proof of valid photo identification and social security card (i.e. driver’s license, social security card). Information must be available and provided to trustee at the time of the 341(a) meeting of creditors
Information as to any pending lawsuit (i.e. status of case, name and address of attorney)
Business Questionnaire documents if you have owned or operated a business in the last two (2) years
Copies of all bills, debts and obligations (such as child support) to be listed on bankruptcy petition. (Our office will obtain a credit report.)
Filing fee for bankruptcy case plus additional funds toward our retainer.
401k, IRA, or retirement account statements.